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America Beware, Our Spending and Debt is Leading Us to Failure

The Sobering Facts about the US Debt

Total U.S. Liabilities (as of Sep 2023)


($128.2 trillion)

Liability per Taxpayer


(129.9 MM taxpayers)

Liability per Person


(336MM people)

Our Mission

  • Educate the public on economics

  • Understand the debt bomb the United States faces

  • Recognize the disastrous consequences that we will face if we do not resolve our spending addiction

  • Most importantly, what can we do about it.

With the information gained through our platforms, we implore you to speak up/speak out and contact your local congressional representative - then vote your conscience.

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The Polls Are In

The study, conducted by John Zogby Strategies, recently polled 1,000 voters and is the first of its kind to directly examine the impact of the debt on average Americans.


Voted Yes

The national debt continues to grow as interest rates rise, annual deficits are added, and new spending is passed 


White House estimates suggest a long-lasting default on national debt could cause a severe recession, with over 8 million job losses and the economy shrinking by over 6 percent. 


In 2023, interest alone (on the national debt) will total $800 billion due to rising interest rates on accumulated debt

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