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Does Anybody Care? (Vol. 172)

We have hit the iceberg;  Our Ship of State is slowly, but perceptibly, sinking:   Does anybody care?

Informed Citizens see the problem but are unconcerned.  After all, we are America, and we always find a way.


Uninformed Citizens do not even realize there is a real problem and go on about their business as if all is okay.  After all, we are America, the greatest nation on earth.


Our politicians see the problem but will not act to fix it.  After all, they are professional politicians, and the first order of business is to get reelected.  And we are America, nothing can harm us.


Our scholars see the problem and many offer solutions, but few are listening to their warnings and suggestions.  After all, they are just ‘preaching to the choir’ – and the choir is not ‘singing to the congregation’. 




Forget diplomacy, let’s be blunt, call a spade a spade.  Our $35 trillion debt grows endlessly by multi-trillion dollars every year.  Unfunded obligations exceed $75 trillion dollars and gets larger every year.  Social Security and Medicare are financially unworkable  and will be bankrupt within 10 years.  Yet our politicians continue to ‘feed the beast’ by offering more goodies to an unsuspecting public to buy more votes, making the problem worse.  And the public gladly accepts these goodies, and votes for the politicians that offer ‘two chickens in every pot’. 


Our country cannot pay its current expenses and debts as they mature, so it borrows endlessly to survive.  My friends, that is called a Ponzi scheme – and it will end, no one knows when, but end, it will, some day.  It will end in a crisis, and it will be ugly beyond imagination.  Yes, it will be worse than the Great Depression – if we let it happen.  

What we are doing to future generations is unconscionable.  We will leave them with a bankrupt country with no opportunity to prosper – as we in our generation have prospered.  It is immoral for us to be that irresponsible, yet we are.  We owe it to the future to leave them a great country, just like the one we inherited.


Shame on us if we destroy the country and leave to future generations an unfixable mess.  But that is what we are doing.


I am one small voice crying in the wilderness.  Trying to ‘wake up America’ before it is too late,  with little success so far.  I have spoken to some very successful and influential people, who believe there is no solution, we must wait for the crisis to occur before we will act.  When the crisis finally arrives, it will be too late, the Ship of State will have sunk.  We will then look back and rue the day that we did not act to Save our Ship when we still could.




I hope this plea will reach many millions and stir action.  I am not optimistic that it will as I  have come to believe that ‘nobody cares’.  So why should I care?  Because it is the right thing to do.  I refuse to sit and watch the Ship sink and stay silent. 


Even though my words are lost in the malaise of today, I am trying.  Will you try?




This will be the last regular weekly Facts, No Spin email.  But not the last you will hear from me, as I will be trying to get the message out in other ways, and will from time to time send you information you can use.  


Thank you for subscribing and stay tuned for more.



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